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Grants from Charitable Trusts & Statutory Bodies

Major grant fundraising, from charitable trusts and foundations, from institutional bodies and statutory funders, is the cornerstone of many charity’s fundraised income. Over my years as a Consultant I have helped my clients secure major grants and contracts totalling over £11million, plus hundreds of thousands more from charitable trusts and foundations.

If trust fundraising is a new source of income for you, I can help set up a trust fundraising programme that works for your charity and resources - researching and identifying appropriate funders, building cases for support, project applications and appeal letters, and even helping with the implementation of an appeal programme. 

Good trust fundraising takes time and a commitment to developing long term relationships with your funders, but I can help you get off to a good start.

If you have an experienced trust team or a mature trust portfolio, a trust audit of your materials, relationships and funder profiles could help identify some changes to practice to improve your levels of trust income.  

If you are considering submitting an Expression of Interest or responding to an Invitation to Tender from a Local Authority or Training Body, I can work with you and your team to make sure not only is your bid as strong as it can be within the restrictive format of the tender, but also that you are confident about how you are going to implement the project and the management and reporting requirements incurred if you are successful.

Or maybe you just need some extra, experienced grant fundraising implementation support to supplement your team for a key appeal or application?

It is a difficult funding environment, but there are still good grant opportunities out there. Let me help you secure the ones you need.

Update - October 2024
I am not taking on any new clients and plan to retire at the end of the year. 
I'm still happy to have a 'free of charge' talk through your plans and problems if you feel it would help - Ping me an email and we can have a chat.

© Jane Loveday 2019

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